new website and new name :)

august 6th 2024

hi everyone! lots of exciting things, first of all i've gotten MSN version up to 7.0 to be able to connect! and i'm gonna start working on newer versions now which is very very exciting :)

that's not all tho! you might've noticed... we changed name and logo! "xirk" didn't make a lot of sense and didn't represent what remsgr is at all lol, i feel like the new name fits the project wayyyy more :D

don't hesitate to join our discord for more updates by the way! this blog is not updated a lot, but i'm trying to update it more

thanks for reading this blog post :)

yes, xirk is alive and well

july 22nd 2024

hello! it's been a while...

i'm so sorry i left you hanging for so long, but xirk IS alive and well, i've just been busy working on other projects and also migrating from mysql to mongodb for xirk, i am also searching for devs and if you are interested don't hesitate to contact me: ppvris on discord or you can dm me on messengergeek (syrek), it'll speed up development if i have someone helping me :)

thanks for reading this dev post, see you in the next ones! also an actual small update, i am working on MSNP10 & higher now as the older versions are considered "done"

tweener authentication added!

june 16th 2024

we have now implemented tweener authentication, which means you can login in versions such as msn 5.0 & also 6.0 (with MSNP9 only for now though since MSNP10 changes a lot and we still have to adapt that lol)